Tuesday 26 April 2011

Example Exam Questions

The Film Industry

  • To what extent are Hollywood films simply ‘products’ made to make a profit?
  • How important is marketing in influencing people to watch Hollywood films both at the cinema and on DVD?
  • How are billboard posters and poster-style advertisements in newspapers and magazines used to create audiences for films?

The Film Audience

  • What role does the internet now play in enabling people to develop their interest in films?
  • In what ways do factors such as who we watch films with and where we watch films influence our viewing experience and our response to film material?
  • How has the experience of watching films changed in recent years and how do you think it might develop in the future?


  • To what extent are star images controlled by the film industry?
  • To what extent are fans now able to determine the success or failure of individual stars?
  • What are some of the ways in which fans and the film industry work together to create a star’s image?

Swinging Britain 1963–1973

  • What for you are the most striking uses of narrative construction in the films you have studied?
  • Do the directors of the films you have studied employ narrative in particular ways to say make comment on class in this period?
  • The films of Swinging Britain are essentially about freedom.  Discuss how the films you have studied present freedom.
  • Is there any benefit to understanding the narrative structures in the films of Swinging Britain in exploring the cultural context of the films you have studied?
  • What particular Micro aspects employed in the films you have studied are significant in advancing either Narrative or Genre in the Swinging Britain period?

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